Friday, July 24, 2015

Let's Get Organized!

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all love of what you are doing."- Pele
In this month's newsletter: Let's get organized and what better place to start then your trunk just before tailgating season hits! Check out our flyer for a great organizer while marketing your brand at the same time! Also, 4 ways to turn social-media fans into raving, loyal customers. 

How To Organize Your Car Trunk
By Jody Devere

Television and magazines have plenty of good advice about organizing your home or office, but precious little is devoted to keeping your automobile (a.k.a. "home on wheels") clutter-free. The average American spends anywhere from 72 to 120 minutes each day in his or her car, making it well worth the time spent to have a clean, organized vehicle, which helps reduce stress, keep your family safe and save on fuel costs.


4 Ways to Turn Social-Media Fans Into Raving, Loyal Customers
by Benjamin Kabin
It's nice when companies see fans and customers responding positively to their products and messaging over social media. But figuring out how to convert all that positive energy into an effective sales and marketing strategy can be tough to figure out.
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Product Special
(Expires 8-31-15)
Click image for details

Monday, July 6, 2015

"Believe you can and you're half way there"-Theodore Roosevelt
In this month's newsletter: July represents patriotism and what better way to show off yours than wearing your pride in the form of a t-shirt! EmbroidMe has an assortment of colorful patriotic wear from solids to tie-dye to help you prepare for your upcoming holiday event. Check out our flyer for finding what fits your personality and let your pride shine with color and comfort! Also, 30 pieces of social media advice you should ignore! 

July 4th is a day of celebration for our country and an opportunity to celebrate with branded red, white, and blue promotional items!
A little 4th of July trivia:

What two presidents died on July 4th before it was a holiday?

How many years after the Declaration of Independence was written did it become a holiday?

What date was the Declaration of Independence really declared on?

Please contact your local EmbroidMe for more information and ideas on marketing with promotional products.

For the answers and more information on the Declaration of Independence click below:

Product Special
Click image for details

30 Terrible Pieces of Social Media Advice You Should Ignore
by Ellie Mirman
There are a lot of so-called "social media experts" out there. Dishing out advice, sometimes based on limited experiences, and sometimes based on nothing at all. Even the true social media experts sometimes share some misguided advice based on their beliefs and experiences. So with all this bad advice floating around the web, how do you distinguish between what you should and shouldn't--- believe.
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