We will no longer accept BYO items to imprint for any new customers. The risk is too high for items purchased by a customer elsewhere. The amount of insurance we would need to carry or the over exaggeration of QA needed is cost prohibitive. If an error is made on items purchased from us, you usually never know that it occurred, we correct it and move on.
If you are a previous BYO customer, you may be granted a FEW exceptions and need to understand the pricing changes. See requirements below.
Regardless of the technique used, a BYO item will be charged a minimum of $7 more per item than the same technique on an item purchased from us and could be as much as $52 more depending on the quantity of BYO.
Qualification Requirements for BYO exception process:
1. You must have had a previous
order that has used that logo within the last two years of this notice (assume date of 9-30-15).
2. Previous order history must show
at least 50% of more of the apparel in the orders must have been bought from
3. Previous order history of the
past two years must total $300 or more.
If your answers do not qualify you for an exception, to qualify for a future exception, you must purchase some of your apparel from us on your next order. We have shirts at all kinds of price points. Please come see us for options prior to making any purchases as you will be turned away.
Most clients who qualify for an exception will be notified via email or snail mail.
WHY you may ask? The risk is just too great. We can explain in more detail if need be--come in and ask.